Top 10 Photos of 2021
2021 was much more of what we like to see on the golf course compared to 2020. That included a full slate of activities from the Kentucky PGA Junior Tour, Youth on Course, PGA Jr. League, and Drive Chip, & Putt. All of which gave us some fantastic moments that we'll remember forever. Many of those moments were captured in the hundreds of photos we took from these events during the season. The Golf House Kentucky staff went through them all and voted on their favorites. These ten stood out as the best of the best. Each of these were taken by either Ethan Fisher, PGA Director, Communications & Marketing or Miles Parroco, the organization's media intern this past summer.
A great moment of sportsmanship here right after the awards ceremony in the Drive, Chip & Putt Sub-Regional at Persimmon Ridge Golf Club. Rowdy Harris (pictured right) was more than willing to dish out some knucks to his fellow competitor. Also, shoutout Kenny Perry in the background.
Perhaps the best sunrise we saw this year came on the morning of the final round of the Kentucky Boys Junior Amateur. This photo was taken on the 6th tee at Nevel Meade Golf Club and followed a stormy first day that led to many players needing to be on the golf course at this time of the morning to finish their opening rounds. About thirteen hours after this photo was taken, Luke Muller was standing victorious.
Another one from the DCP Sub-Regional at Persimmon Ridge. Lucy Borough swaggered her way from the warm-up area to the Drive station bursting with confidence. It's on full display here and is a vibe we can all strive to emulate.
A great golf ball toss and a great smile are demonstrated here from the PGA Jr. League Section Championship at Quail Chase Golf Club. Many awesome photos were captured by Miles during this event and this was certainly one of them.
We all learn golf somewhere from someone. Many times, that's a parent and there's nothing quite like the sight of seeing a dad or mom show their child how to get their golfing lives started.
And over time, those relationships lead to fist bumps! Pro tip for parents: when your child hits a great golf shot, always be ready to offer knucks immediately after.
This probably would have been ranked #1 had it been taken a half-second earlier or had the ball dropped. During the Kentucky Junior PGA Championship, this chip shot from off the 13th green at The University Club at Arlington had a great chance to go in. Dad and son knew it. The ball just missed as you can sort of tell in this photo, and you can see the look of disappointment from it missing start to creep into each of their faces. Nevertheless, there's nothing like a little ball rolling towards a slightly bigger hole in the ground to get us excited like this.
Ironically, this photo was taken on the same hole. But this one features Claira Beth Ramsey who was putting together a phenomenal round while making a charge towards the top in the Girls Junior PGA. From the valley of the 13th hole, she needed a boost to get a yardage approaching the green. Thanks to her push bag and some very good balance, she got it.
There's just something about the vibe in this photo. The smooth swing, the shades, the look of utter confidence... the young man has it all figured out. He isn't even 10 years old and already has life figured out better than almost all of us.
Our top photo of the year harbinges back to the same principles covered with #6. Youngsters getting pointers on how to negotiate the game will never get old to us. The fact the two lads are matching makes it that much better. To each parent who has gotten their son or daughter into golf and has them involved with our programs, thank you. We look forward to many more moments like this in 2022 and beyond.